Monday, 15 August 2011

Things I miss from Windows

What I miss from Windows (OS X Lion excites and disappoints):

- Having a local menu bar when I'm working on the second monitor.
- Being able to 'Show Desktop'. Sure I Mission Control, which really is great, but it doesn't let me see what I have on the desktop, which is normally cluttered up with stuff as my temporary working area
- A proper keyboard layout
- Having to switch back and forth between Ctrl and 'Other' for keyboard shortcuts when swapping computers. I'm sure there must be an easy way to customise this one.
- Having a calculator application, up until I discovered Spotlight would do that for me
- My iTunes configuration. I've been putting off synchronising my iPhone with the Mac Mini because it seems like a lot less hassle in the short term to fire up the Windows box. iTunes on the Mini seems to be threatening to reorganise my iPhone applications, which is just plain uncomfortable.
- Running demanding games

I've not fully transitioned yet as I've not fully decided and implemented a plan on how to manage all my files and backups. I'm pretty happy using the Mini for day-to-day stuff though, and it is super quiet (and my Windows box was on the quiet side anyway).

Lots of oddities to iron out. Lots of things I can pass judgement on saying Mac is better or Windows is better for X or Y. I'm not totally sure which I'm happier with overall yet, it'd be unfair to make a hasty comparison when Mac OS is fighting against 16 years or so of Windows experience.

Oh and Microsoft Office, I miss you terribly.

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